P-Shot services in Lubbock, TX

Do wish there was a way to rejuvenate your sex life? Do you wish there was a nonpharmaceutical way to treat erectile dysfunction?

There is and it’s called the P-Shot!

What is the P-Shot® or Priapus Shot?
The P-Shot® or Priapus Shot® is a non-surgical and drug free natural procedure designed to increase a man’s sexual performance. This all-natural procedure uses one’s own blood, without the need for prescription medications or surgery. Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) contains many growth factors and healing properties that stimulate stem cells to regenerate tissue and increase blood flow. The body’s growth factors work to increase blood flow to the penis resulting in a stronger, harder, and larger erection; in addition to the penis having a more youthful appearance.

The P-Shot® or Priapus Shot procedure begins with a quick and easy blood draw. Then, using a proprietary technique, the growth factors are extracted from your blood and concentrated into the Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP). PRP is then injected into areas of the penis that are most important for the sexual response. These areas are numbed with a local anesthetic cream before injection. Most clients describe a feeling of pressure at the injection site with little to no pain.

Immediate Results

How does P-Shot® or Priapus Shot work?
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) contains many growth and healing factors. PRP has regenerative abilities and thus stimulates healing. The resulting benefits include an increased growth of new blood vessels and improved circulation within the penis. Other benefits include stronger erections, increased sensation and pleasure and enhanced sexual performance. Some men report changes in girth and length of the penis up to 1-3 inches. Many of these benefits are experienced immediately after receiving the injection. The treatment is non-allergenic and free of harmful side effects

What will the P-Shot® or Priapus Shot do for you?
- Firmer, stronger, longer lasting erections
- Penis size increase (up to 20% in growth)
- Improved sexual stamina
- Heightened sensation and pleasure
- Enhanced appearance
- Improves or resolves prostate discomfort
- Improves or resolves urinary incontinence
- Decrease need for Viagra or Cialis
Who is a candidate for the P-Shot®?
Men suffering with:
- Inability to achieve firmness during sex
- Difficulty maintaining firmness until your partner is satisfied during sex
- Trouble maintaining firmness during sex
- Decrease in penis size (often seen with normal aging)
- Decreased sensation in pleasure
- Penis curvature causing pain or inability to have sex
- Erectile dysfunction after prostate cancer surgery


Who will be in the room during the procedure? Dr. Owen will be the only person in the room during the procedure.

Is it painful? The penis is numbed with a topical anesthetic cream before the injection. Most patients describe a feeling of pressure at the injection site with little to no pain.

My penis curves when it is erect. Will the P-Shot help this? Yes, the P-Shot can treat erectile dysfunction resulting from medical conditions such as Peyronie's disease.

I have had erectile dysfunction since my prostate cancer surgery. Can a P-Shot help? The answer is it absolutely can, but a consultation with Dr. Owen is needed first to determine if you’re a candidate.

What’s the recovery time? None

Can I have sex that day? Yes


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