Triton Services in Lubbock, TX

Most of us deal with unwanted hair on various parts of our bodies.
Shaving and waxing are options to reduce body hair, but they can be
tedious and are not permanent. Laser hair removal is another option,
but sometimes does not adequately target all of the hair and can be
problematic for particular hair or skin types. However, at Owen
Health Group, we want the best cosmetic care for our patients.
That’s why we were the first in Texas to offer Triton by InMode, an
innovative laser hair removal technology that has revolutionized the
cosmetic industry. We are able to achieve superior results with
fewer treatments and less discomfort than other lasers.

Individualized Treatment

Triton technology surpasses conventional hair removal methods by combining two wavelengths at once. This new innovation allows for
a safer and more effective way to treat all skin types. There are two different hand pieces: Triton Duo Light and Triton Duo Dark. This
allows us to customize your treatment based on your skin type giving you individualized treatment. Our cosmetic specialists are
committed to providing you with personalized, high-quality care that matches your needs and leaves your skin feeling soft and sleek. For
more information about our Triton services or to schedule a hair removal appointment, contact us today.

Pre-treatment instructions:
1) Avoid sun or self tanning lotions for 3-4 weeks prior to treatment
2) Shave the areas to be treated
3) Do not pluck, wax, or have electrolysis for at least 4 weeks prior to treatment
4) Use sunscreen on areas to be treated
5) If the face is to be treated, avoid retinol for 3-4 weeks before your treatment

Post-treatment instructions:
1) Ice if needed
2) Can apply over the counter steroid cream if needed for irritation
3) Avoid sun for 6 weeks
4) Sunscreen
5) Expect to shed hair over days-weeks; may look like continued hair growth; if hair does regrow initially, usually lighter and finer
6) Avoid retinol for 4 weeks after treatment if face was treated

Scheduling Follow up:
1) 4-6 weeks for Facial Hair; eventually change to 6-8 weeks
2) 6-8 weeks for Body Hair; eventually change to 10-12 weeks

Schedule Appointment Now!